604 534-5902 thymeon43rd@gmail.com

Japanese Black Pine

Known for its resilience against salt and wind, the hardy Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii) is native to coastal areas of Japan and South Korea. It can be found growing on dunes along coastlines, acting as an important defense against erosion. While the tree was...

Fall Fashion Show

featuring Serena Fashions September 22, 2013 1:30 – 4 pm Hors d’oeuvres, swag bags, door prizes, garden tours and more! Thyme on 43rd 21004 – 43 Avenue, Langley Tickets $40 604.534.5902 or 604.328.0029 Tickets can be purchased online at...

Hayato Ogawa wins prestigious BC Landscape Award of Excellence

We are thrilled to announce that Hayato Ogawa is the winner of the 2013 “Award of Excellence” for his six-year garden project at Thyme on 43rd. This prestigious award is given out by the BC Landscape and Nursery Association to acknowledge outstanding achievement in...